Excellent fitness is necessary. It is certainly beneficial to have experience of moving on snow and ice for this trip to Elbrus but local guides provide on-site training in basic alpine skills such as moving on crampons before the summit day. Before starting, everybody must have the necessary skills for safety on the hill. Predominantly, these skills are to do with personal movement, understanding of layering and personal climate, handling a slip, being familiar with all the equipment and working in a team. Elbrus is a big mountain that requires a mountaineering approach to ensure safety and success and enjoyment.  
A good preparation would be to do a winter hillwalking course in Scotland or an alpine skills course in the Alps, but this is not mandatory to join the trip. The minimum age is 18 years old. You will be trekking/climbing for seven consecutive days at high altitude and in varied temperatures, so good cardiovascular fitness is required – the fitter you are the more you will enjoy your expedition. We will provide you with a training guide upon booking, but you should aim to walk regularly in the hills with a light pack (7-10kg) and follow an exercise routine to strengthen your core and legs and to increase your cardiovascular fitness.